- 弹 shoot; catapult
- 跳 jump; leap; skip; bounce
- 跳跃 jump; skip; hop; leap; bound ...
- 跳 动词1.(腿用力弹起) jump; leap; skip; bounce 跳上马背 leap on a horse; 从椅子上跳起来 bounce off [out of] one's chair; 从床上跳下来 spring out of bed; 一跳而起 jump [spring] to one's feet; 跳过一条沟 leap over a ditch; 孩子们蹦蹦跳跳地进了教室。 the children bounced into the classroom.2.(弹力使物体突然向上移动) spring; leap 新皮球跳得高。 the new rubber ball springs high.3.(一起一伏地动) move up and down; beat; throb; palpitate; twitch 脉搏跳得平稳。 the pulse throbbed steadily. 他激动得心直跳。 his heart was throbbing with excitement. 我眼皮老是跳。 my eyelids keep twitching all the time.4.(越过) skip over; jump over; drop 跳过一两页 jump over a page or two; 跳两针 drop two stitches
- 弹 弹名词1.(弹子; 小球形的东西) ball; pellet 泥弹儿 mud ball2.(内装爆炸物, 具有破坏和杀伤能力的东西) bullet; bomb 导弹 guided missile; 燃烧弹 incendiary bomb; 饮弹而亡 die of a hit by bullet
- 春天,跳 spring
- 跳,蹦 skip
- 跳跃 jump; skip; hop; leap; bound; saltatory; dancing; saltation 盲目跳跃 leap blindly; 在黑暗中跳跃 leap in the dark; 小羊在田里跳跃。 the lambs were skipping about in the fields
- 弹(放) play
- 弹;弹回 bounce
- 跳-咬矫正器 jumping-the-bite appliance
- 跳(甩)港 skiover
- 打,踢,弹 play
- 弹-粘塑体 elastic-viscoplastic body
- 弹-粘塑性体 elastic-viscoplastic body
- 弹-粘特性 clasto-viscous character
- 地下仓[弹]库 underground magazine
- 含磷(燃烧)弹。 phosphorousbomb
- 榴(高爆)弹 high-explosive (he)
- 玩;打,踢,弹 play
- 最大装(弹)药量。 battering charge
- 机(弹)体座标系 body coordinate system
- trna跳跃 trna hopping
- 大跳跃 the big bounce
- 欢蹦,跳跃 caper v